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Showing posts from February, 2010


BEEP BEEP BEEP .... This Just In... BEEP BEEP BEEP There has been a 60 megaton thermonuclear detonation off of the coast of northwest Oregon, near the small town of Tillamook. If you are within the affected area please proceed to your nearest fallout shelter or local health service department. All access to the affected area has been shut down by force of local, state and federal forces.


These aren't my favorite HDR shots but I decided I liked them enough to post them... so enjoy! The first is of The Capes housing development in Oceanside, Oregon. Detritus up 'Top of the World' Josh fixing his car An Average rainy forest in T County.

More HDR shots of T county

These are two more examples, I'm mainly using these as tests right now to experiment with the blog site for now... but enjoy none the less.

Bayocean Spit trail

Went out the other day with the camera and decided to take a few HDR shots of the 9:00am sunrise, it was nice and windy and unseasonably warm for early February. This photo is for sale, inquire within.